Sunday, June 28, 2009

Muddiford Inn, Barnstaple, Devon rocks to Captain Banjo's Street Band for Chris's Birthday Party raising money for Children's Hospice

Captain Banjo's Street Band climbed aboard its mini-bus to venture into the beautiful Devon countryside to visit the Muddiford Inn near Barnstaple to help celebrate the Birthday of Chris (seen dancing in the movie above) and to fund raise for the North Devon Children's Hospice with a very substantial and kind donation from the organisers.

Undeterred by a sudden downpour of rain, Captain Banjo's Street Band started off its gig in the bar of this sensational olde worlde pub and popular gastronomic destination but, when the leaden sky gave way to puffy clouds and patches of blue, moved outdoors to rock some more tunes in the Muddiford Inn's excellent beer garden.

Audience participation is always welcomed and Chris's friends and family certainly did Captain Banjo's Street Band proud with their contributions to the legendary 'Oi' song (video below).

Still on a high with all the excitement, Captain Banjo's Street Band climbed aboard its mini-bus and made a lightning fund raising strike into Barnstaple town centre where they raised a further £166.67 for the children's hospice at a local pub with more rocking making the total for the night £416.67 and the total so far on just three play-outs is £907!

One of the most enjoyable things about Captain Banjo's Street Band is an eclectic variety of performers who come from all sorts of different occupations. This ensures that the band has a ready fund of expertise in almost every situation. Mickey, pirate and drummer extraordinaire (see picture to right), who is the band's resident artist and recent Fine Arts graduate, quickly pointed out the artistic work of her street art friend for the band to admire (see photo left) as they emerged back into Barnstaple High Street.

Click here for more great pictures of Captain Banjo's Street band at the Muddiford Inn gig.

The next public gig for Captain Banjo's Street Band is in Barnstaple town centre on Saturday 4th July 2009 around 11.30 am raising money for the North Devon Children's Hospice.

All welcome - so let's rock!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lynton & Lynmouth Music Festival 2009 rocks as Captain Banjo's Street Band says OY!

In weather that would have pleased the most southern of continental resorts Lynton & Lynmouth's free music festival 2009 was bathed in sunshine as packed crowds enjoyed stage and street musical performances.

Captain Banjo's Street Band was again out busking for charity and collecting for the children's hospice in North Devon with passing crowds giving freely as well as participating enthusiastically in the songs (OY!).

New to Captain Banjo's Street act was an expert display of fire stick juggling which is sure to become a permanent feature for the band and much enjoyed by the crowd.

Be sure to check out the Captain Banjo Street Band diary in the index to this page for future anticipated venues although circumstances may change at the last moment so do check with event organisers before travelling and incurring any cost.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Captain Banjo's Street Band in Braunton fighting cancer with cheerful tunes

Captain Banjo's Street Band rocked at the Relay for Life, Braunton, North Devon this weekend (13th June 2009) after cancer survivors completed a circuit of the running track and their supporters started their marathon 24 hour relay run in support of cancer sufferers fund raising.

Those who have not attended these celebrations of the human spirit cannot fully appreciate the feelings of hope, courage and community that are generated at these events.

Cancer is a disease that can afflict any of us and the speeches of the cancer sufferers and their supporters were visibly moving to many of the onlookers.

Captain Banjo's Street Band is proud to have helped in some small way to support the Relay for Life, Braunton, Devon in its fight against cancer.

Captain Banjo is seen in the photo above with the Chairman of the Braunton Parish Council and the Chairman of North Devon District Council who supported the Braunton Relay for Life.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Captain Banjo's Street Band storming and performing in Barnstaple town centre, North Devon

If Captain Banjo's Street Band were nervous for their debut performance, they certainly didn't show it but they did get a lot of attention from the Saturday shoppers when they arrived in Barnstaple town centre and pretty soon the North Devon children's hospice charity collection tins were filling up.

The street band played in three separate locations in Barnstaple town centre and in one location where there were already wedding celebrations in full swing, they were even asked to go back and perform at the wedding party later that day.

Unfortunately, after playing for a couple of hours and collecting £350, Captain Banjo's Street Band were in need of a much deserved rest and returned to their homes in Pilton tired but contented.

All agreed that it was an amazing debut performance and one thing was sure. After such a successful debut, Captain Banjo's Street Band will definitely be rocking the streets of Barnstaple and surrounding areas to collect for the North Devon children's hospice charity again soon.

Captain Banjo's Street Band debut performance meeting up at the Reform Inn, Pilton, Barnstaple, North Devon

Keen to create the maximum impact and to have lots of fun collecting for the North Devon children's hospice charity, Captain Banjo's Street Band met up at around midday at their favourite pub and practice location the Reform Inn, Pilton, Barnstaple, North Devon in full fancy dress costume.

Whilst admiring each others costumes, some in Captain Banjo's Street Band took the opportunity of a quick drink of the excellent Barum Beer which is the local brew that really is brewed locally.

Others spent a few minutes practicing sitting on their chosen seats whilst performing.

Once everybody had arrived, the band made their way to a practice area in the local park to tune up their musical instruments and practice a few tunes before moving on to perform in Barnstaple Town Centre.